St. Wenceslas´ Church / Костел святого Вацлава

GPS: 49°40’2.963″N, 15°24’18.059″E

The first written record of the church appears in a document by Abbot Jaroslav II. of Vilémov dated 13th of July1318. At those times it was only a single-nave deanery in a shape of a cross fenced by a high wall surrounding also nearby cemetery. Konrád of Trutnov, later an amanuensis of an archbishop Jan Očko of Vlašim and a canon of St. Apolinář church in Prague used to spend part of his life in this church. The first side altar was an altar of St. Catherine dedicated to the church in 1481 by brothers Petr and Domaslav from Lipnička.

Vilemov convent was destroyed by hussits in 1421 and was under patronage of a hussite hetman Mikuláš Trčka z Lípy who bought Světlá from emperor Zikmund in 1429. Early gothic church disappeared during reconstruction in 1569 under the rule of Burian III. Trčka. In 1634 the last of Trčka dynasty – Jan Rudolf – had died and the estate frequently changed its owners, usually foreign catholic noblemen. In 1735 under the rule of countess Černínová side naves were built. In 1758 this parish church was claimed a dean temple.

The western front of the church dominates more than 35 m high tower. The tower from the 13th century with its joined windows and the highest wooden floor reconstructed as a middleage machicolation was rebuilt a couple of times. The look of the tower from 1821 didn´t change during the last reparation in 1930. There is a belfry containing a precious bell St. Wenceslas from 1569 and a passing bell from 1946 on the highest floor . Modern bells Virgin Maria and St. Lucas were bought from a bell maker Laetitie Dytrych from Brodek u Přerova in 1976.

Historical equipment of the church includes five altars, a pulpet with a roof as well as six big pictures by Ignac Raab originated from cistercian monastery in Sedlec near Kutná Hora. Four big pictures show Clerical Fathers, one of them Announciation of St. Jáchym and Announciation of St. Anna. These two originate from St. Mary´s cycle in St. Francis Serafin Church in Golčův Jeníkov. An organ made by firm Brothers Paštika Prague-Žižkovin 1912 includes original case from older organ made in 1756. Art proposals for stained glass in windows in presbytery with pictures of St. Wenceslas, St. Vojtech and St. Prokop designed a student of Max Švabinský, an artist Karel Putz in 1951. There are also coats-of-arms of the oldest owners of Světlá estate and patrons of the church on the walls of main nave. These were painted by a studying painter of Prague Academy of fine art Otakar Číla from Nová Paka. Seven tombstones can be found in the pavement of the northern side of the nave.

Text: Mgr. Alena Křivská


Деканальна церква святого Вацлава є, безсумнівно, домінантою всього міста. Спочатку готична тринефна будівля була згодом перебудована в стилі бароко і приховує в своїх стінах шість великих картин відомого чеського художника періоду високого бароко Ігнаца Рааба. Ні всередину церкви, ні до вежі зазвичай немає доступу. До церкви можна потрапити лише перед Месою або вдень, щоб зазирнути через ґратчасті двері, або заздалегідь домовитися про екскурсію в Інфоцентрі.


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